Who We Are

CABO Consult Ltd is a company incorporated under Companies Act No. 12 of 2002 Cap. CABO stands for “Capacity Building for Organisations”. It has been in the field of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) consultancy and training activities since February, 2001

CABO serve both public and private businesses across all sectors whenever they are and give access to an unrivaled depth of skills and resources. Through our client’s services approach, clients are assured of a service that not only meets, but also exceeds their expectations. “We Count to Achieve Beyond Optimal"

Our Core Values

  • Participatory- Our interactions are highly participatory in which our clients are full involved in reaching the intended objectives.
  • Quality services- We are guided by the quality of our work which is focused on solving our clients’ specific problems.
  • Demand driven -We are serving our clients from what they need not what we have.
  •  Sustainability- We aim at the situation whereby our clients will be able to sustain their businesses hence play a vital role in the national fight against poverty.
  • Creativity & innovation - We believe on new insight that foster new ideas as result of research and development' and put research outputs in action

Our Main Objective

     To assess, formulate and strengthen membership and non-membership-based organizations and enterprises in MSMEs economy. by providing quality advisory, consultancy and training interventions for the purpose of increasing income, employment and better livelihood.

Capacity and Experience

We have 7 professionals with proven credibility to our clients. The team maintains back up of other three committed associate consultants which provide assurance of best performance. 

CABO Consult staffs have well specialized vast experiences responding to SMEs requirements. The members of the team receive regular training by some of the leading experts in the field.